Are you:
If you answered
YES to zero or more of those, then the
DISTO-thingy may be
just what you need!
50m and 100m models available, +/-2mm accuracy
0.1° resolution compass
0.1° resolution clinometer
Easy to use, even with mud-caked gloves
Large, easy to read colour screen
Huge shot memory, capacity to store literally millions of shots
DistoX2-compatible Bluetooth protocol works with many popular survey apps including topodroid
Timestamped shots for easy cross referencing with station photos, notes etc
Supports multiple measurement units
Trig display for horizontal and vertical distances
Anomoly warning detects local magnetic interference
USB connectivity and charging
Ready to use, no assembly or calibration required
Quick and painless 1 minute self-calibration for local geomagnetic conditions
Sugar free, vegan options available
Project Status
The DISTO-thingy is in pre-production, stay tuned...
The global chip shortage has had a significant impact on the cost and availability of parts, so prices are still being finalized.
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